Thursday 8 August 2013

Summertime & the Living is . . . Easy?

Oh, Miss Ella - would that it were so! With numbers like these, "Ain't no cure for the summer time blues" feels closer to the truth. 

But listening to your soothing lullaby, and seeing you have the grace to perspire 
and hold the note 
in beauty 
and take your sweet time 
I come to know
 the best way
 to meet the heat, is not to beat it, but
  simply to surrender;
 to melt 
 to let go 
of all plans of doing 
to be.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Kate, thanks for that link [Miss Ella]. I've heard Ella sing that song many times, but never quite like this... This one is sublime.

    And then, shift over to another mood and another Ella Summer Sizzler right here... CLASSIC!

    Thanks for another great posting... Hotsy-totsy... YIKES!
